Using The Marketplace

As actions have been very popular we often get asked about creating a set that can be used by anyone as well as showing examples of more complex actions for people to learn from.

We have built the "Action Marketplace" this is a page on our platform which lists popular actions that you can export and import into your own chats.

You can access the marketplace here as well as by clicking the "Action Marketplace" link in the top menu of our website:

The action marketplace can be found in our web menu

Each action listed on the marketplace has a brief description outlining its functionality as well as the code you will need to import:

Example action listed on our marketplace.

You can click the "Copy to Clipboard" button and the code will then be available for you to import easily.

If you have any actions you wish to share with the community feel free to drop a message in our Telegram chat and we will be sure to get it added!

Last updated