Creating & Managing Custom Commands

As well as being able to use Modr8's built in commands there are tmes when you want to build your own. Whether its to display some web-links or further information for your community you can create commands to suit your needs following the instructions below.

Creating A Custom Command

  1. Login to the Modr8 Platform

  2. Click "Manage" on your bot profile

  3. Scroll to your Chat Profile and click "Commands"

  4. Click "Create" on the "Create A New Command" card to open the command builder page

  5. Select a trigger for your command using the drop-down in the "Trigger" row. This defines the start of the command and we support the following options: / # ! - . @

  6. Next you will provide a name for your command, this is the text used after the trigger for example: "staff" would work with the trigger "/" to be run as /staff in your chat

  7. Enter a description for your command in the text area provided. The description shows up in the command list which Modr8 provides when users type /commands in the chat window

  8. Define the "Access" level required to execute the command. You may want the command to only work for admins instead of all users.

  9. The command output is defined in the "Content" text area. Here you can add all the command data you need using the rich text editor.

  10. If you wish to display an image with your command add the web address to the "Image" text input. Make sure the file ends in .png, .jpg, .gif or .mp4 to send correctly.

  11. You can add buttons to the command output by clicking the button in the "Message Buttons" row. Often people add web links behind buttons.

  12. Decide if you want the command output to be sent as a reply to the original command by enabling "Reply To User"

  13. Decide if you want the output of the command to delete based on your bot response deletion setting or if you want the output to remain in the chat. If you enable "Delete Response After Timeout" the message is deleted.

  14. Leave the "Enabled" toggle on unless you wish the command to be disabled by default and not run.

  15. Click "Submit" to save your command

You will notice your command is listed automatically when a user types /commands in your chat. This can be a good way to let users know the commands you have registered. We also list reputation, community reporting and referral commands here if you turn these modules on

Managing Commands

Whenever you have created a command it is listed in a table on the command page.

With the registered command list you will see:

  • Command trigger and name, showing how users will execute the command in chat.

  • Command description explaining the command usage

  • Defined access level which could be everyone or admins only

  • Quick activation / de-activation toggel. Switching this will change whether a command will run or not

  • Pencil icon allows you to edit the command and make adjustments as needed

  • Red trash bin button will delete the command from your list

  • Copy button will provide a pop up with code to export and save as a back up or import into other chats

Exporting Commands

To export commands from your chat level command list you have two options, which can be both found on the following page.

  1. Login to the Modr8 Platform

  2. Click "Manage" on your bot profile

  3. Scroll to your Chat Profile and click "Commands"

From here your two options for exporting commands can be found which are:

  1. Export One: Clicking the copy icon beside your command in the registered command list, which opens a pop-up with text for you to copy.

  2. Export All: Clicking "Export" button on the "Export Commands" card, which opens a pop-up with text for you to copy.

The latter will export ALL commands from your chat, this can be useful when taking a full backup of your chat commands or wanting to export to import them into another chat.

Importing Commands

Whether you wish to import one command or a batch of commands you will do so in the same way.

  1. Login to the Modr8 Platform

  2. Click "Manage" on your bot profile

  3. Scroll to your Chat Profile and click "Commands"

  4. Paste your exported command into the "Import Commands" card

  5. Click "Import"

  6. You will then see your commands listed in the registered commands table.

FAQ & Troubleshooting

How do I personalise commands and show the users name and top rep ranks?
  • Create or edit a command

  • Scroll to the command content area

  • Click "Personalisation tag guide" green link at the bottom of the content area

The personalisation guide will show you a series of tags between {{ }} symbols which can be added to your content. The bot will dynamically add this content when sending the message.

Can I create menu systems with my commands?

Modr8 has the capability to link buttons to websites as well as other commands and actions. This means you could create a series of commands and then edit them to have buttons which link to each other. When a user clicks the button it will run the command you selected without having to type a command to run.

Last updated