
The bit every community manager wants to see.. analytics and reporting! Modr8 platform using your community bot will track messages and events within your chat. Every 15 minutes these events are aggregated into hourly and daily measures to produce a series of charts and stats that will give you a view of how your community is behaving and growing. We're showing a few graphs below, but continue to scroll on to see a table which provides the stats we measure and a description of what they are created for / from.

To access the Modr8 analytics page for your chat complete the following steps.

  1. Select "Manage" on your bot profile

  2. Select "Analytics" on your chat profile

  3. Set a "Start Date"

  4. Set a "End Date"

  5. Click the "Search" button to update the charts and stats

The table below outlines the metrics and measurements you will find on our analytics page.

NameTypeReport Description



Total number of messages in the period

Joining Users


Total number of users joining the chat in the period

Leaving Users


Total number of users leaving the chat in the period

Active Users


Total number of users who have engaged in the chat in the period

Avg. Messages


Average number of messages per day in the period

Max Active Hour


Hour with the most events & messages in the period

Chat Messages


Number of messages tracked per day/month in the period

User Movement


Number of users joining, leaving and growth per day/month in the period

Message Sentiment


Average sentiment recorded for messages recorded per day/month in the period with max +2 and min -2

User Message Languages


Telegram Client reported user language per message within the period

Warnings Issued


Total number of warnings issued per day/month within the period

Bans Issued


Total number of bans issued per day/month within the period

Active Days


Total messages sent per named day within the period

Active Hours


Total messages sent per individual 24 hour within the period

Popular Commands


Number of times a command was executed within the period

Top Active Users


Number of messages/events issued by a user within the defined period limited to top 10.

Popular Media


Total number of messages sent by media type within the period

Message Media


Messages split by media type per day/month within the period

Open Referrals


If referral module is enabled, shows the total number of invites issued within the defined period

Closed Referrals


If referral module is enabled, shows the total number of completed referrals within the defined period

FAQ & Troubleshooting

Why do my user join / leave stats not equate to the same as I see in my chat logs?

Telegram only sends a subset of information through to Telegram bots. When a user leaves your chat due to deletion or banned for spamming by telegram themselves we do not get such an update. This is why there can be discrepancies in the data for number of users moving around. We would take the stats as a general measure of your trends, rather than an absolute.

Last updated