Recommended Settings
You've registered your bot, you've activated your chat and you want to get up and running as quick as possible. We're dedicating this section to providing our community with a base recommendation of settings that we know will provide a good balance of cleaning up your chat whilst allowing your community to thrive.
Once you're done here you might want to review our overview of managing your bot & chat.
💨 Clearing Up Telegram Notifications
When a new user joins, someone leaves or a message is pinned you will notice there can be a lot of chat "service messages" stacking up. Modr8 can clean these up for you to ensure conversations flow more smoothly.
To automatically clear telegram service notifications turn on the following options:
on your chat profileSelect
on the"General Behavior & Import"
cardScroll to
"Service Messages"
sectionTurn on
Remove Join Message
,Remove Leave Message
&Remove User Pinned Message
"Save Changes"
🛡️Spam Prevention
Whilst Telegram is a great platform for building private and public communities there is of course marketing, scam and phishing attempts from bad actors. Modr8 is equipped with many features to combat these issues including a dedicated Spam Prevention Module. We recommend you turn on the following settings for all of your communities.
Turn on "New User Spam Capture" - We often find spammers join a community and immediately try to spam, this is really easy to prevent:
on your chat profileSelect
on the"Spam Prevention"
cardScroll to
"New User Spam Capture"
sectionTurn on
Contains A Web Link
,Is A Forwarded Message
&Mentions Channel/User
Select to
"Kick User"
once deleted, this will temporarily remove them from the group
Turn on "New User Restrictions" - Temporarily disabling media messages for a few seconds on joining can often stop automated spammers issuing images marketing dangerous content:
on your chat profileSelect
on the"Spam Prevention"
cardScroll to
"New User Restrictions"
sectionTurn on
"Apply Restrictions"
Select messages types to be
"Media Messages"
Turn on restricting
"User Invites"
to block new users auto inviting new users temporarily, who may be bots or other spammers.Select restricted for
30 seconds
Turn on "Federated Spam Protection" - We utilise a known bad actor/user list which is crowd sourced and maintained by SpamWatch. This list contains hundreds of thousands of peer reviewed spammers who have been issuing bad content to other communities. When this setting is turned on, users who match the list are automatically banned by Modr8.
on your chat profileSelect
on the"Spam Prevention"
cardScroll to
"Federated Spam Protection"
sectionTurn on
"Enable SpamWatch List"
Click the Save Changes button at the bottom of the screen once you have made the necessary edits.
👋Welcoming New Users
When a new user joins your chat you want to give a great first impression. Modr8 supports issuing Welcome Messages to new users. These can contain an image/video as well as any buttons which may link to your website or documentation. In addition to a welcome, Modr8 can also request verification to check the user is not a bot. You are free to choose if you want to verify a user or not, but for now lets get a welcome message set up!
on your chat profileSelect
on the"Welcome Message & Captcha Check"
cardTurn on
"Welcome Users"
toggleAdd your message using the text editor
"Save Changes"
Below the text editor you'll see a link "Personaisation tag guide" click this and it will show you all of the options for personalising your welcome message. As an example adding {{user}} to your message will inject in the users name as a link that can be clicked to view their profile.
🔐Restricting Media & User Filters
Sometimes you have users in your community sharing restricted content. Modr8 supports the removal of all major media types that can be sent by users within your chat. On top of this, we also offer a comprehensive list of user filters including adding banned words in names and disallowing users adding additional bots to your chat.
Restricting Media Types
on your chat profileSelect
on the"Media & Text Filters"
"Remove Media"
under the Media Management header.In the "Remove Media List" we typically recommend to remove
Audio, Contact, Document, Game, Location, Passport, Venue, Voice & Polls
. You are free to add others too.
Restricting Links To Other Groups
on your chat profileSelect
on the"Media & Text Filters"
"Block Web Links"
under the Link Handling header.Select
under the"List Behaviour"
option. This means we will disallow any domains/links added to your list.Add
to the"Add a link or domain"
text box to block telegram invite group links.Click "New Row" and add
to the new text box to block whatsapp group links.
List Behaviour - This references whether the list of domains you add to your link list acts as a "trusted list to allow" or a "bad list to remove". Sometimes it can be easier to provide a list of links that you trust rather than trying to block every single domain you can think of!
Restricting User Types
Stopping certain types of users from joining your chat is a powerful way to ensure your community is clean. Over the years spammers and disgruntled bad actors have tried many ways to bypass admin kicks and bans. Modr8 engine is well equipped to handle these issues with ease.
on your chat profileSelect
on the"User Filters"
"Ban Re-join Flooding"
under general settings to stop users joining/leaving repeatedly.Enable
"Disallow Telegram Bots"
so general users can not add bots to your chat.Enable
"Name Filter"
in the name filtering sectionSelect to
on join
as well ason user message
to ensure users are always removed form the chat.Within the disallowed names section add the following common names used to scam/spam, with one filter per row:
Save Changes
There are many more settings you can modify, feel free to check out our features section to review what every option does and how you can adjust them.
Once you're done here you might want to review our overview of managing your bot & chat.
❓FAQ & Troubleshooting
Last updated