Advanced Settings

Modr8 Advanced Settings page contains specific functionality that has been created to cater for the most advanced use-cases our customers have had. Early / Beta / Preview functionality may also start life in "Advanced Settings" before being moved over to any of the standard modules. The following sections outline each of the functions available within the Advanced Settings page and their usage.

Restrict Admin Command Access

You may find that you wish to have "Admins" in your chat to provide them with customised "Titles", something that is easy to do on Discord but not so easy on Telegram. Often, these Admins do not have permissions to remove users, ban, change chat info and add other admins. They may however, still be able to use Modr8 bot commands to carry out these actions, since your bot has the required access.

To ensure your admins who have a restricted scope of administrative permissions are also stopped from using Modr8 built in bot commands i.e. /ban /pin /warn then you can enable our "Admin Command Access" module.

  1. Select "Settings" on your chat profile

  2. Select "Edit" on the "Advanced Settings" card

  3. Turn on"Restrict Command Access" toggle

Your Modr8 bot will now only allow commands to be executed based on the permissions your admin has in Telegram.

Disable Built-In Moderation Commands

There can be cases where you might have more than one bot in your chat. When this happens, if the bots have the same types of commands i.e. /report then both bots may react to your commands and double up!

Modr8 engine supports disabling the built-in moderation commands in the advanced settings module.

  1. Select "Settings" on your chat profile

  2. Select "Edit" on the "Advanced Settings" card

  3. Scroll down & turn on"Disable Moderation Commands" toggle

Your bot will no longer respond to any of the built in Moderation Commands.

Regular Expression Filtering

If you have specific text patterns you wish to delete within your chat you can use Regular Expression filters to do so. This area is often used when there are simple patterns you wish to match, but if you need something more advanced or more customisations you can use our Actions engine. When a keyword is matched against the message then it is removed from your chat.

  1. Select "Settings" on your chat profile

  2. Select "Edit" on the "Advanced Settings" card

  3. Scroll down & turn on"Enable RegEx Filtering" toggle

  4. Elect to issue a "Warn on Regex Match" to use the warning system

  5. Elect to display a message saying a message was deleted due to meeting a rule by enabling "Display Deletion Notification"

  6. Add in your regular expression rules, one per row in the "RegEx Rules" section.

We recommend testing out your rules at and for anything more advanced you'll want to use our Actions module.

Last updated